Parking Barriers

Parking barriers in Stoke-on-Trent
Do you need parking barriers in for your premises in Staffordshire, Cheshire or the Midland areas?
Contact Enterprise Electric Gates in Stoke-on-Trent.

Some features of our barriers include:

  • Tubular bars that can reduce the “sail effect”
  • Integrated “command selectors”
  • Amperometric obstacle detection system
  • Zinc-plated coated steel finishing
  • Optional flashing lamp

Parking barrier installations in Staffordshire

We implement the recommendations of the latest European standards, generated by the Machine Directives. Our methods of parking barrier installations meet the criteria of modularity in terms of operations. They are available with 230V A.C. and 24V D.C. motors. We also provide automation accessories and electric gate installations.

 For further information or prices for our services, please get in touch.


Enterprise Gates & Railings
Unit 2
Herbert Road

Copyright Enterprise Electric Gates | Built By BWAR!